Take A Wonder Walk


Admiring the community garden in early Fall—Dahlias’ mathematical patterns and bright colors are such a delight

A wonder walk is different than a regular walk. Your goal is to pay attention to wonder of the natural world.  Try to see things anew, as though you were an explorer first setting foot here or a child just beginning to learn about the world or a scientific observer/naturalist.  Tune into your senses. What do you see, smell, hear, and feel physically?  How do you respond emotionally?  How exactly would you describe what you’re experiencing?  Be curious about how it all works together.  Can you see the relationships and larger system?  Why is it the way it is?  For what reason did it evolve that way?  Can you see order admist chaos? What is it like from the perspective of a bird, flower, squirrel or mushroom? 

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