Enjoy Your Food
After eating in Kyoto a couple years ago, I was inspired to make my meals a more aesthetic experience. The Japanese culture pays such attention to beauty.
Eating provides frequent opportunities to experience delight. Slow down and eat your food with awareness. Think about the artisan who created your dishes, the artisan who created your place setting and your table. Appreciate all that beauty as well as the beauty of your food. Cultivate gratitude for the farmers who grew your plants. The animals that contributed flesh or milk or eggs. The soil that contributed nutrients. Think of all the people involved in getting your food to your plate, including yourself. Pay attention with each bite to the textures of the food in your mouth, it’s temperature, the tastes and smells, the colors and shapes. Tune into how you are nourishing yourself physically, emotionally and spiritually. Set aside any judgments about the types of foods you’re eating and just allow yourself to feel pleasure.
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